Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Stage Prop Analysis

At the 2021 Powerful by Faith! Regional Convention a powerful video was shown of how three wayward friends were able to return to the fold.[1] Reenactments were made for the examples, and stage props of literature were used for two of them. For one, the text was readable for only a second. It was a prop of a book on evolution. To display visible, readable text for a book on this topic calls for a decision: have the text be gibberish or readable. If readable, from where? A real book on evolution? The prop also showed an iconic March of Progress of human evolution copied from our brochure The Origin of Life—Five Questions Worth Asking, p. 29.[2] Thus, with a recognizable picture from one of our publications, would it follow that the readable text also came from one of our publications? In this case, yes. I discovered that the readable text was copied from three pages in our 1985 book Life—How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation?, pages 180, 184 and 95.[3] The text is as follows:
established fact. Often we hear or read phrases such as, ‘When man evolved from the lower animals,’ or, ‘Millions of years ago, when life evolved in the oceans.’

An additional reason for evolution’s acceptance is the failure of conventional religion in both what it teaches and what it does, as well as its failure to represent properly the Bible’s creation account. Informed persons are well aware of the religious record of hypocrisy, oppression and inquisitions. They have observed clergy support for murderous dictators. They know that people of the same religion have killed one another by the millions in war, with the clergy backing each side. So they find no reason for considering the God whom those religions are supposed to represent. Too, absurd and unbiblical doctrines further this alienation. Such ideas as eternal torment—that God will roast people in a literal hellfire forever—are repugnant to reasoning persons.

Neanderthal man (named after the Neander district in Germany where the first fossil was found) was undoubtedly human. At first he was pictured as bent over, stupid looking
This is all I was able to clearly make-out. Other hawkeyed viewers may be able to recognize less-clear text.

I am only reporting on a discovery I made looking at this stage prop.

It makes sense to insert “safe” text if gibberish was not desired.

[1] Saturday concluding talk: “Put Up a Hard Fight for the Faith”!, at marker 1:18:52 regarding Justin Ochoa. By the way, I would love to meet him and discuss the issues he raised.
[2] As seen here: wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1102010346#h=74
[3] This book is available for viewing at the Internet Archive library: archive.org/details/lifehowdiditgeth00watc/
