Monday, June 25, 2018

Not all is well in Russia

Can a corrupt throne be your ally, a throne that makes evil laws? They band together against the life of the righteous and condemn the innocent to death.

Psalm 94:20-21, Christian Standard Bible

I can only offer my full spiritual and emotional support to my dear friends, my brothers and sisters in Russia.

Information on the tragic condition in Russia, on the corruption of its police force, transforming it into a criminal gang of thieves and thugs against its own law-abiding citizens, is repeatedly reported on in the news media around the world, and is seen here in official reports:

In the Russian language:

The introductory picture is found here:
Campaign of Terror Begins for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia

The entire judicial system in Russia has descended into the anarchy of a kangaroo court, where trumped-up charges trump justice.

Regarding crooked judges, the Easy-to-Read Version presents the above Psalm as saying:
They use the law to make life hard for the people. They attack those who do right. They say innocent people are guilty and put them to death.
Lastly, the New Living Translation presents it as saying:
Can unjust leaders claim that God is on their side—leaders whose decrees permit injustice? They gang up against the righteous and condemn the innocent to death.
Russia is committing horrible and libelous crimes against its own tax-paying citizens, ganging-up on a minority Christian congregation to steal valuable property and personal electronics. While this unjustified persecution is criminal, it has not resulted in executions as that Psalm states, and I certainly hope it never does! However, being imprisoned and robbed of valuables can seem like death!

Please see this video: How Did Jehovah’s Witnesses Come to Be Labelled as ‘Extremists’ in Russia?

Additionally, I want to remind my Russian friends of the divine decree in Zechariah 2:8, which I have cast into this graphic:
